Let's welcome God every morning by reflecting on this short Living In Faith Exchange (LIFE) Group devotion (life-devotions.blogspot.com), which is based on Living Faith. All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Col. 3:17
Jesus sent out these twelve... Matthew 10:5 (full readings)
Living Faith snippets: "By virtue of our baptism, each of us has been grafted onto God's family tree. We are His sons and daughters, and we have all been called to help build up Christ's Kingdom. While the mission of the Twelve- to teach, sanctify, and govern - continues through the bishops and priests, I have my own assignment. Members of the laity share in Christ's threefold office of priest, prophet and king (CCC 897). In my life, it looks like this: I am priest when I minister to the needs of others and offer up the sacrifices of daily life. I am prophet when I pass on my faith or share how God has manifested Himself in my life. I am king when I rein in my natural inclinations toward anger or resentment. Each of us can manifest the office of priest, prophet and king in the unique circumstances of our own lives. What does it look like in yours?" by Rebecca Sande
Faith Challenge: Let's challenge each other to joyfully live out the Good News.
* NEW: Let's reflect on how we are called to be priest, prophet and king...each day of our lives.
* NEW: Let's reflect on how we are called to be priest, prophet and king...each day of our lives.
Pat nuggets: During our family reunion in northern Minnesota last week, Angi and me were blessed while sitting on the lake swimming platform with our daughter Grace (6) and our niece Mary (6). Grace said to Mary, "See all this beautiful water? Jesus made it for us. See the beautiful trees? Jesus made them for us. (pause) He didn't make the lightning and thunder to scare little kids...but to tell us the rain is coming." Mary affirmed Grace...and they both answered God's call to be a prophet for Angi and me. With Christ as our eternal life vest, let us even praise Him during the rain (sacrifice, suffering)...as it leads to healing and growth, bringing us closer to God and neighbors.
* Let's never forget the horrific reality of abortion (images)...#1 cause of death in America. Let's courageously share ProLife Truth (John 14:6) to create social tension for exposing abortion's unjust peace...rebuilding a Culture of Life (Matt 5:16) and setting the unborn free!
Our Prayers: Those who pray together stay together. Fasting ideas in footnote below.
* Prayer to end abortion, abused children, chastity, peace, our enemies, our troops, depression/ despair, prisoners, ProLife politicians, illnesses/injuries, jobs, natural disasters, addictions, Nana Suzie (prayer of thanksgiving for each "good day" that JP experiences)
* NEW: Stephanie Spader (for a family with unexpected pregnancy), Carla Neal (Melissa & family, Bernie, Craig, Yvonne, & Carol)
Faith Quote: "Man's real and most profound sickness is the absence of God, the absence of the source of truth and love." Benedict XVI (shared by Stephanie Spader)
Through Christ our Lord,
Phil 4:13
* Prayer: Prayer connects us with God's will & His miracles, changing us & helping others. 'If you pray that God will move a mountain and He doesn’t, assume Christ wants you to climb it instead.'
* Fasting: Let's fast from things that take our eyes off Jesus (selfishness, bitterness, being so critical, impatience, gossip, excessive video games, etc) and take on things that fix our eyes on Jesus (selflessness, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, patience, understanding, caring, helping, listening).
* Defend the unborn: 'Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death; don’t stand back and let them die' (Prov 24:11). 'Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you' (Jer 1:5). 'It is a great poverty that a child must die that you might live as you wish' (Blessed Mother Teresa).
* Evangelization: Let's make room for unbelievers (be a friend, make a friend, lead friend to Christ) and perpetual re-evangelization of self and those near us, by way of daily prayer (relationship) and following Christ's example of selfless love, mercy, and service.
Let's joyfully invite others to join our LIFE Group...Rich or Pat will gladly add them to the devotions distribution list (Mark 16:15)!
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