Thursday, May 6, 2010

John 15:11 (sharing joy)

Let's welcome God today with this Living In Faith Exchange (LIFE) Group devotion (archive, Facebook), based on Living Faith. Prove yourselves doers of the Word, and not merely hearers. James 1:22

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. John 15:11 (full readings)

Living Faith snippets: "The joy of friendship grows when people share the values that make them who they are. The greater the sharing, the greater the joy. It was a joy for Jesus to share his word with the people of his time, just as it is a joy for him to do so with us. We hear his word through the Scriptures and through his Spirit that speaks in our hearts. Jesus' love prompts him to share his values with us, and if we make them a part of our lives, we begin to resemble the mind and heart of Jesus. What a cause for joy!" by Fr. Kenneth Grabner

Rich's comments: As I am nearing the end of my PhD program at the University of Florida, I have the incredible urge to share with others in my research group tips on how to survive grad school. I don't think that I gain anything for myself by sharing this information (except that I don't like to watch people struggle or suffer), but I have this inner desire to pass on these "pearls of wisdom" in hopes that my colleagues gain a greater sense of joy during their grueling ordeal of writing a 200-page dissertation. Jesus knows and understands our struggles and sufferings. Jesus has been through it all and He wants to share His Truth with us, because it brings Him great joy and He loves us. Lord, thank You for sharing Yourself with me, and thank You for my ability to bring You joy through my acceptance of Your word. Amen.
* NEW: Discover the joy that forgiveness brings by reading Sr. Francelle's devotion on Forgiveness.

Faith Sharing: Let's generously share the LIFE Group by forwarding devotions or using the Facebook "invite people" link.
* NEW: How might you bring the joy of Christ to others? Please consider sharing faith comments (or "like" button) on the Facebook page, to encourage many...thank you!

Counter-Culture News: LifeSiteNews, Vatican, American Family Association, Priests for Life
* Reality of abortion (images), #1 cause of death (23% of pregnancies). Expose this unjust peace, setting unborn/parents free.
* NEW: Oklahoma Ultrasound Law Temporarily Suspended: "The abortion industry would like to hide the truth from women about their unborn children." "We believe the ultrasound bill will provide much needed information to women in advance of an irrevocable, lethal decision, and that both she and her baby will benefit from her having that information."

Our Prayers: Those who pray together stay together, and close to God (footnotes). Peters family (JP), Prayer to end abortion.
* NEW: Rich (Erica's swollen inner ear & job search)

Faith Quote: "He loves each one of us as though there were only one of us." - St. Augustine

Through Christ our Lord,
James 1:22

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