Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Psalm 90:14 (shout for JOY!)

Let's welcome God today with this Living In Faith Exchange (LIFE) Group devotion (archive), anchored by Living Faith. Prove yourselves doers of the Word, and not merely hearers. James 1:22

Fill us at daybreak with your kindness, that we may shout for joy and gladness all our days. Psalm 90:14 (full readings)

Living Faith snippets: "The entire psalm is a tribute to the beautiful fragility of our days on earth, a hymn to God's faithful presence. In the midst of God's glance into the poverty and sorrows of our lives, we pray to be filled with God's love at daybreak." by Sr. Macrina Wiederkehr

Pat nuggets:
* God fills us at daybreak with the Trinity (one God, three persons)...the Sun is the Father, the rays are Jesus, and the warmth is the Holy Spirit. At daybreak today, I thank God for the gift of my Grandpa Castle (passed away 1 Jun 96) and my dear wife Angi (Happy Birthday!).
* Last year's Nobel laureate scientists challenged God to a competition on making the best human being. The scientists were given elements of choice. Just before the competition began, God scooped up the elements from the scientists and said..."get your own stuff." "Many folks want to serve God, but only as advisers."
* Fr. Jonathan sent me a signed/framed picture of Meb (2009 New York Marathon winner). Here are a couple snippets. Meb wrote, "To Coach Pat, God uses people to affect others." Fr. Jonathan wrote, "May we keep running towards the One who made us!" Check out the Marathons for ProLife blog and FB page.

Faith Challenge: Let's generously encourage others by forwarding devotions or using the Facebook "invite people" link.
* NEW: Let's shout for J.O.Y. (Jesus, Others, You)!

Counter-Culture News: LifeSiteNews, Vatican, American Family Association, Priests for Life
* Reality of abortion (images), #1 cause of death (23% of pregnancies). Expose this unjust peace, setting unborn/parents free.
* NEW: Rockford Abortion Mill Hits New Low In Grotesque Window Dressing and Woman Sentenced to 10 Years in Jail for Murdering Baby One Day after Birth.

Our Prayers: Those who pray together stay together, and close to God (footnotes). Prayer to end abortion, Doug Young (special intention)
* NEW: Pat Castle (thanksgiving for JP completing his miraculous Make a Wish trip)

Feast Day: St. Justin (martyr)

Faith Quote: In light of Memorial Day...."Peace starts with a smile." Let's make an effort to smile today...demonstrating our eternal JOY!

In Christ, Pat
Phil 4:13

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