Kathryn's Reflections: God, our God, He is so good. I am completely unable to read through one of His parables unchallenged. I’d like to think I have gotten better, but there is still the residual pride with which I read today’s Gospel. I can totally hear myself saying: “These last ones worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us, who bore the day’s burden and the heat.” Or: But that’s not fair! Doesn’t God know I worked late last night? Hasn't God read Mika Brezinski’s Knowing Your Value? Of course God is not calling us to be a pushover or stop working. But He is reminding us of the boundlessness of His mercy and generosity, of the dignity of each one of us. Our worth and His love for us has nothing to do with our titles or accolades. We are loved and can be with Him for eternity if we only accept His all-consuming appeal because we are His, made in His image. It reminds me of the value of a prayer written by Saint Josemaría Escrivá who got the whole purpose of labor. His prayer to the Holy Spirit ends with a commitment to true submission: “I want what you want, because you want it, as you want it, when you want it.” It’s a prayer – a promise, a plea, a pep talk. It’s an invitation to our Lord to take our day in His mercy and love...and save us from the otherwise seeming intractability of our pride and sinfulness. Who does that Paul think he is being a saint? Do you know what he did to Christians? We don’t ask that. We thank God He loves each one of us, died for us, and will give us everything if we just let Him.
* Kathryn Lopez is editor-at-large of National Review Online and a nationally syndicated columnist who writes/speaks on faith and public life...and building a culture of life. See her LIFE Runners article below. She welcomes email at klopez@nationalreview.com.
Faith Challenge: Do we want what He wants because He wants it, as He wants it, when He wants it?
Counter-Culture News: LSN, LifeNews, Priests for Life, AFA, Vatican, Project Rachel.
* National Review Online article about the LIFE Runners (15 Aug): Running for LIFE.
Our Prayers: Prayer to end abortion, Spiritual Adoption, Alpha Center, Peters family (JP). Add Prayers on our website. Pray with meals, bedtime, wake up, LIFE Runners, etc. Consider mid-week Family Rosary (17 min). Let’s pray now.
Feast Day: Blessed Joan Delanoue.
Faith Quote: "Every vocation becomes more agreeable when united with devotion." ~ Saint Frances de Sales
Through Christ our Lord,
1 Tm 1:15
* Pray/Fast: Prayer connects us with God’s will & His miracles, changing us & helping others. Fast from things that take your eyes off Jesus. Those who pray together stay together, and close to God!
* Save Unborn (& family): Abortion reality (images)…#1 death cause (22% pregnancies). Prov 24:11 & Jer 1:5. “A great poverty that a child must die that you might live as you wish.” Mother Teresa.
* Evangelize: Make room for unbelievers & re-evangelization of self, by way of prayer (relationship) and following Christ’s example of love (service/sacrifice/mercy). Matt 28:19.
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