"But I have written to you rather boldly in some respects to remind you, because of the grace given me by God to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles in performing the priestly service of the gospel of God, so that the offering up of the Gentiles may be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit." ~ Rom 15:15-16 (full readings)
Rosemary's Reflections: It gets pretty hard these days to be a pro-life Christian, let alone one who attends a college where you can buy the "morning after" pill from the school nurse. It saddens me to see how many young adults have thrown aside their faith because it's "old-fashioned" or they had a bad experience with the Church. This is where not only do I have to be able to defend my Catholic faith and my belief that life begins at conception, but I must be a beacon of light to a culture cloaked in darkness. As comforting it is to stay among my Christian friends, I am called to reach out to my other peers who may not be as understanding. Just a few days ago, a friend of mine made a comment on my Facebook photo with the LIFE Runners. Let's just say I was disappointed in what he said. I could easily have deleted him from my friends or have wrote an angry response, but instead I wrote the reasons why I believe in the pro-life movement and will keep him in my prayers. I know there will be a few casualties, but that comes with the territory of living on the frontline. I would rather lose one friend by staying true to my beliefs than gain a dozen by going astray. As because I'm a Christian, I will always leave the door open for that one friend to come back. We must let the light of Christ shine through us for the lost to find the way back home.
Faith Challenge: Brighten up the world with a smile or an act of kindness. Just don't talk the talk. Be a walking example of Christianity.
Sr. Francelle's Devotion: A Modern Martyr.
Counter-Culture News: LSN, LifeNews, Priests for Life, Vatican, Project Rachel.
Our Prayers: Prayer to end abortion. LIFE Runners Creed. Add Prayers. Pray with meals, bedtime, wake up, etc. Consider mid-week Family Rosary (17 min). Let’s pray now. >
Feast Day: St. Charles Borromeo. His life was an example for the clergy of the Archdiocese of Milan to renew the faith of the people.
Faith Quote: “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” ~ Gahndi
Through Christ Our Lord,
* Pray/Fast: Prayer connects us with God’s will & His miracles, changing us & helping others. Fast from things that take your eyes off Jesus. Those who pray together stay together, and close to God!
* Save Unborn (& family): Abortion reality (images)…#1 death cause (22% pregnancies). Prov 24:11 & Jer 1:5. “A great poverty that a child must die that you might live as you wish.” Mother Teresa.
* Evangelize: Make room for unbelievers & re-evangelization of self, by way of prayer (relationship) and following Christ’s example of love (service/sacrifice/mercy). Matt 28:19.
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