Wednesday, March 14, 2012

As most of you know, Sr. Francelle had a massive stroke on Sunday March 11.  Since that time she has been hospitalized at St. Luke’s in Aberdeen, SD.  She was non-responsive for the first day.  Remarkably, Monday morning she opened her eyes and spoke.  THE WORD HAD GOTTEN OUT AND YOUR PRAYERS WERE HEARD.  Her condition now continues to surprise us.  Not only recognizing each visitor by name, but also her speech is getting clearer.    Sr. Francelle still has a long road to recovery ahead of her.  She will be having rehabilitation and is beginning to have movement in her left side.  Your prayers are needed more than ever. She also remembered that she had not sent out her weekly letter, which was written Saturday March 10, and was in her draft box in her email.  She insisted her nieces get into her email to get this letter sent.   Prior to the body of her letter she asked us to say the following to all of you:

·          Kathy Johansen Peterson, my niece in Minneapolis, set up a Rosary conference call with the help of Pat and Steve Castle.  From Taiwan to California the voices were a joy to hear. 
·          I am alert and aware of what is going on. 
·          My two sisters, Angela and Rose Anne, came.
·          My nieces, Jackie and Sue, came to visit.
·          Linda, my niece, and Molly, my grandniece, surprised me with coming to visit me.  
·          All of my visitors have been a great joy for me. 
·          As my niece, Sue, said, ‘God wants you exactly where you are.’
·          This is my opportunity to practice what I preach.
·          I offer my suffering for all of you and the nation.

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