* Welcome God every morning before work by taking ~5 min to read this Living In Faith Exchange (LIFE) Group devotion (life-devotions.blogspot.com), which has snippets from Living Faith (livingfaith.com). All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Col. 3:17
We are afflicted in every way, but not constrained; perplexed, but not driven to despair. 2 Cor 4:8
Living Faith snippets: "Our daily pains and disappointments can wear us down and make us ask why we must endure them. Afflictions do not depress [St. Paul]. They elate him. He says they bring him closer to Jesus. Accepting pains and sorrows, as Paul did, enables us to live with more peace and purpose." by Fr. James McKarns (author of Lean Against the Wind)
Sr. Francelle snippets: "Dearest Ones, Jesus said, "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full." (John 15:11) How many of you experience this joy? The world has a shortage of joy and too much fear, worry, and discouragement. True joy comes from filling the spiritual emptiness with God, who is pure joy. Happiness comes and goes, while joy goes on forever. Jesus said His joy "would remain in you" and "your joy no one will take from you." (John 15:11) A common mistake is to think that getting something will make you happy. But joy comes from giving and not from getting. To keep joy in our hearts, we must get rid of self-pity, and selfishness. For joy to stay, we must focus on loving others. We also rejoice in our trials when we understand how God uses those trials to help us build godly character. "Consider it pure joy, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops faithfulness to God." (James 1:2). How can we be filled with joy and the Holy Spirit? Pray for it: "Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full!" (John 16:24) Joy and Peace to you,Sister Francelle" To read her entire devotion, go to sisterfrancelle.blogspot.com.
ProLife news: http://www.lifenews.com/.
* Get out the Vote Campaign: "If we as [Christians] want to affect change in our society and culture we must vote and encourage our friends and family to do the same." http://www.cccgotv.com/
* Steve Castle shared an article with this anonymous comment: "I am ashamed to say that, as a Christian, I do not believe in abortion but have done nothing to take a stand against it. I have not really thought enough about it...until a couple days ago. Someone sent me a video link about Obama supporting abortion and it showed scenes of a late term, partial birth abortion. I was sick, to say the least, and will never be the same. Seeing is believing. It is easier to ignore something until you actually SEE it." http://www.onenewsnow.com/Culture/Default.aspx?id=187692* "Being HUMAN: 40 Days for Life II" (airs 6:30 PM EST, Fri, 25 Jul, EWTN): "Interviews volunteers, national leaders, and former abortionists on how 40 Days for Life is renewing hope in communities across the nation."
Feast Day (St. James): "James is described as one of the first disciples to join Jesus. James was one of only three apostles whom Jesus selected to bear witness to his Transfiguration.[4] The Acts of the Apostles 12:1-2 records that King Herod had James executed by sword,[5] making him the first of the Twelve Apostles to be martyred. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%2C_son_of_Zebedee
Our Prayers: Abortion, our enemies/our troops, natural disasters, depression/despair, prisoners, Vicki M. (her cancer treatment), Joe C. (11 yr old Devantae paralyzed), Kay C. (friend Nancy Wheeler cancer treatment), Kathy-jo P. (friend Maria has terminal brain cancer), Gina Prevett (Ty's uncle who had triple bypass surgery, friends with dementia)
Faith quote: "Is it consistent to profess our beliefs in church on Sunday...and then adopt positions that contradict the right to life of every human being from conception to natural death? Any tendency to treat religion as a private matter must be resisted. Only when their faith permeates every aspect of their lives do Christians become truly open to the transforming power of the Gospel." Pope Benedict (Apr visit to USA)
Through Christ Our Lord,
Phil 4:13
* Today's Bible readings at www.usccb.org/nab/today.shtml. Reflection on readings at http://www.daily-meditations.org/index2.html
* Prayer: Prayer connects us with God's will & His miracles, thereby changing us & helping others. Wayne Watson lyrics, “When God's people pray, there is hope reborn, there is sin forgiven, and miracles you can't explain await!” "If you pray that God will move a mountain and He doesn’t, assume Christ wants you to climb it instead & see Him."
* Defend the unborn: 'Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death; don’t stand back and let them die' (Prov 24:11). 'Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you' (Jer 1:5). 'It is a great poverty that a child must die that you might live as you wish' Blessed Mother Teresa. Prayer to End Abortion. Ask Blessed Margaret of Castello for her prayers to end abortion.
* Evangelization: Let's make room for non-believers (be a friend, make a friend, lead friend to Christ) and perpetual re-evangelization of self and those near us, by way of daily prayer (relationship) and following Christ's example of selfless love, mercy, and service.
Let's joyfully live out the Good News and gladly tell others about it (Mark 16:15)!
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