Tuesday, September 9, 2008

1 Corinthians 6:7 (avoid cynicism)

* Welcome God every morning before work by taking ~5 min to read this Living In Faith Exchange (LIFE) Group devotion (life-devotions.blogspot.com), which has snippets from Living Faith (livingfaith.com). All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Col. 3:17

Why not rather let yourselves be cheated? 1 Corinthians 6:7

Living Faith snippets: "It would be easy to respond with cynicism to the inevitability of fraud. I know some who allow this cynicism to reduce their faith in and generosity toward others. My attempt to take Jesus' words to heart is to realize that most people are honest and doing the best they can. I have decided I would rather give to some frauds and accept some bogus excuses than withhold from one person truly in need or disbelieve one honest [person]." by Aileen O'Donoghue

Rich's comments: It is too bad that a Christian can allow cynicism to reduce their faith and generosity towards others. As disciples of Christ, we need to think about "what would Jesus do." Jesus would be more concerned about healing the spirit of one who suffers than providing for their physical needs. This means showing one the love of Christ through respect and dignity rather than just tossing some change into a panhandler's basket without making eye contact. I am a member of a small group of Christians (http://marathon-for-life.blogspot.com/) who are going to run this year's Chicago Marathon in support of a Pro-Life charity. I have chosen to raise money for the Arbor House (http://www.arborhouse.org/) here in Gainesville, Florida. The mission of this charity is to break the cycle of poverty and empower adult expectant and single mothers. I believe that this organization is providing these mothers with the respect and love of Christ to make things better for themselves by healing their spirit. "Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." by Mother Theresa

* 40 Days for Life campaign (24 Sep to 2 Nov): Sign up for updates at http://www.40daysforlife.com/about.cfm.

Our Prayers: Abortion, chastity, our enemies/our troops, natural disasters, depression/ despair, dementia, cancer, prisoners, integrity of our leaders, Robert Cox (discerning his career path), Mike Castle (for grandson Isaac and his caregivers), strength to remain chaste in our sexuality, those struggling with difficult sexual sins like homosexuality

Feast Day (St. Peter Claver): Read how Saint Peter Claver cared for those in need. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Claver
Faith Quote: "Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof." by Kahlil Gibran
Through Christ Our Lord,
Romans 12:12
* Today's Bible readings at www.usccb.org/nab/today.shtml. Reflection on readings at http://www.daily-meditations.org/index2.html
* Prayer: Prayer connects us with God's will & His miracles, thereby changing us & helping others. Wayne Watson lyrics, “When God's people pray, there is hope reborn, there is sin forgiven, and miracles you can't explain await!” "If you pray that God will move a mountain and He doesn’t, assume Christ wants you to climb it instead & see Him."
* Defend the unborn: 'Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death; don’t stand back and let them die' (Prov 24:11). 'Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you' (Jer 1:5). 'It is a great poverty that a child must die that you might live as you wish' Blessed Mother Teresa. Prayer to End Abortion. Ask Blessed Margaret of Castello for her prayers to end abortion.
* Evangelization: Let's make room for non-believers (be a friend, make a friend, lead friend to Christ) and perpetual re-evangelization of self and those near us, by way of daily prayer (relationship) and following Christ's example of selfless love, mercy, and service.
Let's joyfully live out the Good News and gladly tell others about it (Mark 16:15)!

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