Monday, September 20, 2010

Luke 8:17 (Embrace the Truth)

Welcome God today with this LIFE Group Devotion (archive, Facebook).

For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light. Luke 8:17 (full readings)

Rich's thoughts: Pilate asked Jesus, "What is truth?" Today, as Christians, it is challenging for us to discern the Truth, especially in our information age of the Internet and media. We are constantly exposed to a variety of ideas that are incompatible with the Truths of our faith (see Counter-Culture News). Christians who are not strong in their faith will unfortunately adopt secularist perspectives without recognizing their incompatibility with the Christian faith. Jesus came into this world to testify to the Truth. Everyone who belongs to the Truth listens to His voice. (John 18:37) Lord, may we listen to the Truth revealed by You, and live out that Truth in our daily lives. Amen.

Faith Challenge: How do you discern the Truth in your life?

Counter-Culture News: LSN, Vatican, AFA, Priests for Life, Live Action.
* Planned Parenthood in 1952: Abortion “kills the life of a baby” Read how Planned Parenthood knew the truth about abortion back in 1952 before they became profiteers.

Our Prayers: Prayer to end abortion. Peters family (JP), Rich Reich (cousin Tom cancer), Vicki Kerkvliet (Mom's radiation treatment), Karen Ryan-Philpott (2 wk old Baby William's heart issues), Steve Castle (1 yr old daughter Sarah seizure recovery), Nicholas Zeisler (for AF Academy healing from a cadet suicide).
* Pat Castle (Molly Barber in hospital)

Feast Day: Sts. Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang, and other martyrs who believed in the Truth and died for their Faith in Korea.

Faith Quote: "If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:31-32

Through Christ our Lord,
James 1:22

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