Thursday, September 30, 2010

Psalm 27:13 (Rachel’s Vineyard) by Fr. J

Welcome God now with this LIFE Group Devotion (archive, Facebook).

I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13 (full readings)

Fr. Jonathan's Reflections: Today’s first reading and responsorial psalm call us to Hope even when all is not yet fully healed and made well. I recently was extremely blessed to have a life changing experience. I was a chaplain on a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat for Women who are post-abortive and seeking healing. The Lord’s timing is beautiful because we finished the retreat on the Sunday that the LIFE Runners raced the Sioux Falls Marathon for Life. I was so happy to tell the Women that the LIFE Runners were offering up miles for them, and they were so appreciative! At race time, we were having a memorial service for their children and entrusting them in Hope to the Lord. The weekend was beautifully graced as I witnessed hope growing in all of us…the hope of the Lord healing scars and promising even more good things in the land of the living.
* Fr. Jonathan St.Andre has been a Franciscan for 11 yrs and a Priest for 3 yrs, now ministering out of Pittsburgh, PA. He is the Director of Vocations for the Franciscan Friars, T.O.R., Sacred Heart of Jesus Province. Fr. Jonathan plans to join the LIFE Runners for the Kansas City Marathon (15 Oct 2011).

Faith Challenge: Let us never forget to pray for Women (and Men) who had an abortion. So many continue to hold a secret they dare not share out of fear and shame. Our prayers and unconditional love for them may be the doorway to the good things of the Lord for them. Perhaps you may be called to support the ministry that reaches out to these brothers and sisters (Rachel’s Vineyard).

Counter-Culture News: LSN, Vatican, AFA, Priests for Life, Live Action.
* 40 Days for Life (until 31 Oct): Since 2007, more than 350,000 people and 11,500 church congregations have participated.

Our Prayers: Prayer to end abortion. Peters family (JP), Rich Reich (cousin Tom cancer), Helene Couchon (Molly Barber's health), Leslee/Allen Unruh (grandbaby Pierce's brain surgery Friday)
* Kathy Schwab (daughter's friend Marty fighting Leukemia)
Feast Day of St. Jerome: Jerome studied the classical authors in Rome, and was baptized there. He embraced a life of asceticism and went to the East where he was ordained a priest. Returning to Rome, he became a secretary to Pope Damasus. In Rome, he began to translate the Holy Scriptures into Latin and to promote the monastic life. Eventually he settled in Bethlehem where he served the needs of the Church. He wrote many works, especially commentaries on Holy Scripture. He died in Bethlehem in 420.

Faith Quote: "Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ."- St. Jerome

Through Christ Our Lord,
Fr. Jonathan St.Andre, TOR

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