I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. Luke 12:49,51 (full readings)
Jean's Reflections:
* Jesus comes to purify my being with the fire of divine love. Through faith I am called not only to see and bear witness to injustice and evil but to “make space for grace.” Through willingness, I participate with the Holy Spirit to transform the natural, hostile reaction of my mind by awakening to the heart’s considered, creative response of mercy, compassion, and humility becoming God’s instrument in overcoming evil with good. I put on the mind of Christ when I acknowledge with my will what is written on my heart.
* Following Christ’s command to "not resist an evil person" (Matt 5:39), "overcome evil with good" (Rom 12:21), and "love enemy" (Matt 5:44) is quite a counter-intuitive response to the darkness found both outside and within myself. This call creates an understandable source of division not only among us in society but also within my own being. How can this be God’s Truth? God’s ways are inscrutable! But the disposition of the heart which willingly cooperates with grace to overcome evil with good sets a disciple of Christ apart from the world and produces the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22 worth memorizing!). The branch produces fruit when it abides in Him, the vine.
* The fire which Christ brings purifies the world of not only indifference and rebellion toward God, but also unwillingness to do God’s will which is to love neighbor and enemy, i.e., to see Jesus in each one as God sees Jesus when He looks at me. To accept God’s will -- to love God, neighbor, and enemy -- is to rest in the gentle yoke of Christ, the Prince of Peace.
* Jean Noon is a spiritual director/teacher in the Arlington Diocese of Northern VA. She and her Air Force-retired husband Tom have two grown sons.
Faith Challenge: Be willing to not only participate with the Holy Spirit to transform evil both within culture and within myself but do it with love, mercy, and compassion – as God does for me.
Counter-Culture News: 40 Days for Life (ends 31 Oct), LSN, Vatican, AFA, Priests for Life, Live Action.
Our Prayers: Prayer to end abortion, Alpha Center, Peters family (JP), Rich Reich (cousin Tom cancer), Pat Castle (work to elect ProLife politicians), Carolyn McKissack (daughter Karen's health)
Feast Day: St. Hilarion
Faith Quote: "Like clouds and wind without rain is one who boasts of a gift never given." Proverbs 25:14
Through Christ Our Lord,
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