Thursday, November 4, 2010

Luke 15:1-2 (always more with God) by Kristi

Welcome God now with this LIFE Group Devotion (archive, Facebook).

The tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to Jesus, but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying,“This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Luke 15:1-2 (full readings)

Kristi's Reflections: I often think of how important it is for us to look closely at the way people reacted to Jesus in the Gospels and let it teach us something about our own actions. In today's reading, I was struck by the response of the people, especially the sinners' who were drawn to be near Him and hear His voice, while the more exterior looking 'righteous' ones let their complaints keep them from really seeing His love for them. I think it is intriguing the parable that Jesus chose to tell the Pharisees and scribes at this point... it's a parable of His unique, extravagant, intimate love that He has for each individual. God really LOVES US - more deeply and intimately than anyone else could love us. This is mind blowing satisfyingly good news! He is constantly searching our hearts to help us make room to receive His love more fully. In fact, it's the reason He made us - to share in His love! There is always more with God.
* Kristi McClintock grew up in Texas, and is now a Youth Conference Coordinator for the Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH.

Faith Challenge: Take a minute to read the Gospel parables today (full readings)...listen to Jesus tell you that He loves you this intimately.

Counter-Culture News: LSN, Vatican, AFA, Priests for Life, Live Action.

Our Prayers: Prayer to end abortion, Alpha Center, Peters family (JP), Rich Reich (cousin Tom cancer), Carolyn McKissack (daughter Karen's health), Kathy Schwab (5 yr old Dalton cancer).
* Tracy Humphreys (neighbor's surgery find spinal fluid leak), Carol Nesbitt (for great niece Allison with pneumonia)

Feast Day: St. Charles Borromeo. "Charles saw Christ in his neighbor and knew that charity done for the least of his flock was charity done for Christ."

Faith Quote: "Jesus wants me to tell you again, how much is the love He has for each one of you - beyond all that you can imagine. I worry some of you still have not really met Jesus - one to one - you and Jesus alone. We may spend time in chapel - but have you seen with the eyes of your soul how He looks at you with love? Do you really know the living Jesus - not from books, but from being with Him in your heart? Have you heard the loving words He speaks to you? Ask for the grace, He is longing to give it. Never give up this daily intimate contact with Jesus as a real living person - not just an idea." Mother Teresa (full letter)

Through Christ Our Lord,

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