Thursday, March 17, 2011

Esther C:14 (Holy Trinity) by Peggy Bowes

Welcome God today with this LIFE Group Devotion (website, Facebook).

“Help me who am alone and have no help but you.” Esther C:14 (full readings)

Peggy's Reflections: As I stood outside Planned Parenthood, alone and shivering in the cold, my rose-scented Rosary clutched in my hands, I began to weep. The thought of those poor, innocent babies about to be torn from their own mothers’ wombs was too much to bear. How terribly, horribly alone they must feel! As I prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries, I longed to tenderly cradle the tiny bodies in my arms, to hold the tiny hands and let them know that someone cares. As I prayed the Rosary, I found comfort in knowing that the babies are never truly alone. The prophet Isaiah assured us, “Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you. See, upon the palms of my hands I have written your name” (Isaiah 49:15-16). God will be with these tiny babies, helping them to bear their suffering and calling their names that will never be recorded on a birth certificate.We can do our part to ensure that these babies are not alone by praying outside places where abortions are performed. Last fall, I hesitated to join the vigil outside Planned Parenthood (Would I be arrested? Do I really have time to get involved?), but once I did, I was compelled to stop and pray almost every time my errands brought me near the clinic. During these 40 Days for Life, please find at least an hour or two to join the vigil and be a voice for those who cannot speak. The experience will change you forever.
* Peggy Bowes (LIFE Sidewalker) is a wife/mother, freelance writer, Catholic fitness expert, and former Air Force instructor pilot. She is the author of The Rosary Workout ( and has been a guest on EWTN’s The Journey Home.

Faith Challenge: If you can’t physically join the prayer vigil for 40 Days for Life, then pray a Rosary for the unborn or fast for an end to abortion. You can also make a donation to one of the many pro-life organizations.

Counter-Culture News: LSN, Vatican, AFA, Priests for Life, Live Action
Our Prayers: Prayer to end abortion, Spiritual Adoption, Alpha Center, Peters family (JP). Add Prayers on our website. Pray with meals, bedtime, wake up, LIFE Runners, etc. Consider mid-week Family Rosary (17 min). Let’s pray now.

Feast Day: St. Patrick used the three leaf clover to teach about the Trinity, three persons but one God. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Faith Quote: "Christ shield me this day: Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of every person who thinks of me, Christ in the eye that sees me, Christ in the ear that hears me." ~ from “The Breastplate of St. Patrick”

Through Christ our Lord,

* Pray/Fast: Prayer connects us with God’s will & His miracles, changing us & helping others. Fast from things that take your eyes off Jesus. Those who pray together stay together, and close to God!
* Save Unborn (& family): Abortion reality (images)…#1 death cause (23% pregnancies). Prov 24:11 & Jer 1:5. “A great poverty that a child must die that you might live as you wish.” Mother Teresa
* Evangelize:Make room for unbelievers & re-evangelization of self, by way of prayer (relationship) and following Christ’s example of love (service/sacrifice/mercy). Matt 28:19.

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