Thursday, September 15, 2011

John 19:26-27 ("Behold your mother") by Mary Daly

Welcome God now with this LIFE Group Devotion (FB), provided by LIFE Runners (FB). Guest Authors schedule. LIFE Minute radio.

When Jesus saw His mother and the disciple there whom He loved, He said to His mother, “Woman, behold your son.” Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother.” ~ John 19:26-27 (full readings)

Mary's Reflections: Those involved in pro-life work are often accused of forsaking the life of the mother in favor of saving the life of her child. We must never let this be true. Motherhood is a beautiful gift. Yet, this gift comes with sorrows and difficulties as much as it does joys. In a world of single motherhood, poverty and domestic abuse, a woman can easily feel alone and forsaken when she is with child. Raising a child, too, has its burdens and challenges, which can further isolate a woman in her fear and sorrow. Today we commemorate the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. We think of Mary, whose heart was pierced by the sword of sorrow, who was mother to Our Lord. She is a model of suffering, second only to Christ Himself. She is a mother who also lost her child to death—Christ on the Cross. We think of her suffering: How did it feel to be unmarried and pregnant? How did it feel that there was “no room at the inn”? How did it feel to flee to Egypt, because her child was not safe in Nazareth? How did it feel to watch her Son suffer and die? And for the sins of others! Yes, Mary did suffer. And just as Mary was present with her Son as He suffered and then died on Calvary, so too can we count on her to be constantly near us at every step of our suffering. We should get to know Mary, who is most-mother, the Mother of all mothers, our Mother Mary, the mother of Christ. We should seek to share this special knowledge with mothers who fear the suffering of their motherhood.
* Mary Daly is Program Coordinator for the Office of University Life Initiatives at the University of Notre Dame. Today’s devotion image is by guest author Nellie Edwards.

Faith Challenge: Remind someone today of how great it is to have a mother like Mary! If you don’t have a relationship with her, begin one with her today.

Counter-Culture News: LSN, LifeNews, Priests for Life, Vatican, Project Rachel

Our Prayers: Prayer to end abortion, Spiritual Adoption, Alpha Center, Peters family (JP). Add Prayers on our website. Pray with meals, bedtime, wake up, LIFE Runners, etc. Consider mid-week Family Rosary (17 min). Let’s pray now.
* Notre Dame Prayer for Life: Eternal God, Source of all life, you have created us in your own divine image. By the power of the Holy Spirit, your Son became flesh and revealed to us the sanctity of all human life. Grant, we implore you: Protect all unborn children; Guide and support all expectant parents; Comfort the aged, the sick, and the dying; Strengthen prisoners, especially those awaiting execution, and their victims; And bring peace to our world, torn apart by war, terrorism, and countless other acts of violence against life. May our Notre Dame community bear witness to a seamless culture of life and so value the dignity and worth of every human being, from conception until natural death. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Feast Day: Our Lady of Sorrows.

Faith Quote: "So your strength is failing you? Why don’t you tell your mother about it? Call her with a loud voice. She is listening to you; she sees you in danger, perhaps, and she—your holy mother Mary—offers you, along with the grace of her Son, the refuge of her arms, the tenderness of her embrace…and you will find yourself with added strength for the new battle." ~ St. Josemaria Escriva

Through Christ our Lord,
Psalm 23

* Pray/Fast: Prayer connects us with God’s will & His miracles, changing us & helping others. Fast from things that take your eyes off Jesus. Those who pray together stay together, and close to God!
* Save Unborn (& family): Abortion reality (images)…#1 death cause (22% pregnancies). Prov 24:11 & Jer 1:5. “A great poverty that a child must die that you might live as you wish.” Mother Teresa.
* Evangelize: Make room for unbelievers & re-evangelization of self, by way of prayer (relationship) and following Christ’s example of love (service/sacrifice/mercy). Matt 28:19.

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