* Welcome God every morning before your work by taking ~5 min to read this Living In Faith Exchange (LIFE) Group devotion (life-devotions.blogspot.com), which has snippets from Living Faith (livingfaith.com). All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Col. 3:17
[Jesus asked,] "Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the robbers' victim?" He answered, "The one who treated him with mercy." Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise." Luke 10:36-37
Living Faith snippets: "The Lord Jesus calls me to be a "neighbor." How can I do this? By treating others with mercy, that's how. And your spiritual discipline for today is to think about practical, everyday ways you can relate to others with mercy, especially when you're inclined to act otherwise." by Mitch Finley
Pat nuggets:
* Joe and Jim Hourigan, Robert Cox, and me joined Stephanie Kemp and a few other Christians in front of Planned Parenthood from 4 to 6 AM, Sat, 4 Oct. We prayed together and discussed what we could do to help overturn Roe vs Wade, which legalized abortion in 1973 (child murder). While prayerfully walking the sidewalk in the dark, I noted how the motion detecting lights turned on each time we passed Planned Parenthood...our presence (the Body of Christ) was shining the light of Truth on the covert child murder that takes place inside. Just "Parenthood" was lit up on the building...the deception of evil. If you have participated in 40 Days for Life, please share your experience. Please try to do at least one hour of prayer in front of your local abortion mill before 2 Nov. Today's picture is of Kerry Tragesser's son outside Planned Parenthood...his shirt states, "I survived Roe vs Wade."
* VirtueMedia builds one minute ProLife commercials. One ad has Mrs. Roe (from Roe vs Wade) speak about her regret in being part of legalizing abortion. She said, "Truth be told, I have three children and have never had an abortion." Another ad talks about adoption, "There are unwanted pregnancies, but no unwanted babies." To view the ads (grey bottom right button) and donate, go to http://www.virtuemedia.org/.
* Mike Castle shared this article http://www.onenewsnow.com/Election2008/Default.aspx?id=273858. Some snippets: "[Bradley O'Leary,] A best-selling author and former political consultant has created a test that is designed to help people decide if they really should vote for Barack Obama in the upcoming election. His latest work is called The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values. "I basically wrote this book for my six daughters and six of my grandchildren who can vote because a couple of them had told me they were going to vote for Barack Obama," O'Leary says. "When I asked them why, they said because he was good looking, his rhetoric was wonderful, [and] they liked listening to him." In response, he put together a test for voters to compare their views on the issues with those of Obama. BarackObamaTest.com."
* Kay Castle shared this inspiring 2 min video based on Ecclesiastes: http://www.biblesociety.ca/free_scriptures/escriptures/ecclesiastes/ecclesiastes.html.
40 Days for Life campaign (24 Sep to 2 Nov): Campaigns in 179 cities in 47 states (24/7 for 40 days). Please sign up to pray an hour in front your local abortion mill.
* Updates from the national director, David Bereit, at http://www.40daysforlife.com/.
* Updates from the national director, David Bereit, at http://www.40daysforlife.com/.
* ProLife news: http://www.lifenews.com/
Our Prayers: Abortion's end, chastity, our enemies, our troops, natural disasters, depression/ despair, dementia, cancer cure, prisoners, leaders integrity, loss of loved ones, lack of faith
* NEW: Let's dedicate Wed night as a special pray with your family night (Rosary, Bible reading, etc)...the family that prays together, stays together.
Faith Quote: "Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it, nothing can succeed." - Abraham Lincoln
Through Christ for ProLife,
Phil 4:13
Phil 4:13
* Today's Bible readings at www.usccb.org/nab/today.shtml. Reflection on readings at http://www.daily-meditations.org/index2.html
* Prayer: Prayer connects us with God's will & His miracles, thereby changing us & helping others. Wayne Watson lyrics, “When God's people pray, there is hope reborn, there is sin forgiven, and miracles you can't explain await!” 'If you pray that God will move a mountain and He doesn’t, assume Christ wants you to climb it instead & see Him.'
* Defend the unborn: 'Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death; don’t stand back and let them die' (Prov 24:11). 'Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you' (Jer 1:5). 'It is a great poverty that a child must die that you might lie as you wish' Blessed Mother Teresa. Prayer to End Abortion.
* Evangelization: Let's make room for non-believers (be a friend, make a friend, lead friend to Christ) and perpetual re-evangelization of self and those near us, by way of daily prayer (relationship) and following Christ's example of selfless love, mercy, and service.
Let's joyfully live out the Good News and gladly tell others about it (Mark 16:15)!
* Prayer: Prayer connects us with God's will & His miracles, thereby changing us & helping others. Wayne Watson lyrics, “When God's people pray, there is hope reborn, there is sin forgiven, and miracles you can't explain await!” 'If you pray that God will move a mountain and He doesn’t, assume Christ wants you to climb it instead & see Him.'
* Defend the unborn: 'Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death; don’t stand back and let them die' (Prov 24:11). 'Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you' (Jer 1:5). 'It is a great poverty that a child must die that you might lie as you wish' Blessed Mother Teresa. Prayer to End Abortion.
* Evangelization: Let's make room for non-believers (be a friend, make a friend, lead friend to Christ) and perpetual re-evangelization of self and those near us, by way of daily prayer (relationship) and following Christ's example of selfless love, mercy, and service.
Let's joyfully live out the Good News and gladly tell others about it (Mark 16:15)!
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